Why Africa is just NOT what some want to make of it.

Once upon a time, there was a couple who vacationed in a different country every year. They alternated in choosing the destination.

When it was the man’s turn to choose, he suggested going on safari in Africa. The woman immediately responded with “No way! You go by yourself, I’m not going with you!”. She had a list of prejudices and myths about Africa, such as too far, too hot, tropical diseases, wild animals, insecurity, spiders…. But guess what? Katja herself now lives in Africa!

It is high time to break these negative myths once and for all.

In reality, Africa offers an incredible diversity of experiences for both adventurous and more relaxed travelers. From admiring majestic landscapes to spotting the largest and most impressive animals in the world, and meeting unique tribes with their own traditions.

Let’s look at some of these (sometimes absurd) prejudices.

For example, some think there is no phone reception or Wi-Fi in Africa. This idea extends to the assumption that technology in Africa is not up to the standards of other continents. But even the famous Masai tribes have smartphones. While there may not be perfect coverage in remote areas, this is no different from remote areas elsewhere in the world.

Another persistent myth is that people in Africa only eat dry rice. This is something often heard from people considering traveling to Africa. But African food is as diverse as European food. Each country has its own cuisine, and most visitors find the different dishes delicious. From BBQ to stews, the choice is varied and tasty. And in places like Zanzibar there are even influences from around the world, with access to an array of exciting spices and flavors.

The first question often asked is: is it safe? It is true that some places in Africa can be dangerous for tourists. But let’s not forget that Africa is the second largest continent in the world, with dozens of countries. So this is hardly exceptional. There are also parts of other continents, such as Asia, Europe, the Americas or Australia, that are better avoided.

In general, East Africa is considered the safest part, mainly because it receives a lot of tourists and cannot afford to have a bad reputation for safety. So you are welcome here!

Another common concern has to do with health risks. Especially after the global COVID-19 pandemic, people are worried about diseases. However, Africa, particularly Tanzania, had some of the lowest infection rates of corona in the world, compared to its population.

Another point that can cause anxiety is the idea of being on safari among “wild” animals. But let’s be clear: African animals are not looking for humans as prey. Humans are not part of their natural diet. However, it is important to remember that some animals can be dangerous if put in a dangerous situation. This is why JADORE SAFARIS works only with experienced guides to accompany you on your trip. We invest in local expertise, thus supporting communities in Tanzania. New guides are trained before they operate independently. This means you sometimes have the benefit of two guides for the price of one! 😊


Many travelers flock to Tanzania and/or Kenya to witness “the great migration,” perhaps the most famous natural spectacle in East Africa, if not all of Africa. This migration involves more than two million animals, including about 1.5 million wildebeest, 200,000 zebra and 350,000 different species of antelope, moving between the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya. This breathtaking spectacle of the world’s largest land migration is one of the most beloved events on many people’s safari calendar. If you want to experience the famous river crossing, you must visit the northern Serengeti or Masai Mara between July and October. But even outside this period, there is plenty to do. Between January and March, for example, you can experience calf season in the southern Serengeti, where newborn wildebeest, zebra and antelope can be seen. And the animals can be found somewhere throughout the year. There are even special groups on Facebook or Whatsapp where guides and tourists inform each other about the best locations at the time. However, it is important to note that you will never see all two million animals at once, as the migration spreads over a two-month period.

In addition to these prejudices, other concerns travelers may have include the long travel time (about 8 hours from central Europe to central Africa), the heat (temperatures usually fluctuate between 18 and 30 degrees Celsius) and the idea of scary spiders (which are generally rare). Another point sometimes mentioned is that solo travelers or families with children may be out of place here. However, there is little to no evidence that Africa is less safe for women or families with young children than for men. With us, all travelers are personally supervised and their safety is taken care of, whether they are men, women, children or grandparents. We are always ready to help and ensure that your trip is an unforgettable experience.


Finally, let us dispel the most pervasive but stupidest myth once and for all. Africa consists of 54 countries. So it is not a country per se, nor is it synonymous with just South Africa. A softer myth is the vague assumption that African countries are all more or less the same in terms of language and culture, making it seem that Africa might as well be a country. However, this is incorrect, as Africa has a huge diversity of languages and cultures, with about 1,800 languages, including local tribes, spread across the 54 different countries.

So, in summary, you will have to find a better reason for not daring to travel to East Africa … Just say Katja said it!


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Paul Shayo

Since our drivers are also your guides, we call them “driververguides.”

This is your driver’s guide to the South of Tanzania: Paul.

He is friendly, experienced and fully prepared to give you an unforgettable and excellent Safari in the region where he himself was born and raised. So you are in the hands of knowledgeable professional. Paul also travels regularly throughout Tanzania to update his knowledge of all the parks and to look for new destinations, off the beaten track.


Bastiaan Witvliet

Bastiaan Witvliet, born and raised in Zambia and Tanzania, returned to Africa permanently in 2016 after studying and pursuing a career in the Netherlands. His childhood in the African bush instilled in him a deep love for safari life, and he still spends a lot of time in the wilderness, in addition to his work for Jadore Safari he is active in conservation.

As a certified private safari guide, Bastiaan shares his passion for nature with others, while also playing a role in the business side of Jadore Safaris since joining as a shareholder in 2023. With his expertise, he contributes to the success and growth of the company, and is committed to sustainability and conservation of the beautiful African wilderness.


Patrick Kweka

A young natural who has chosen to put himself in the service of tourism in Tanzania.

Patrick takes great pleasure in the opportunity to connect with people from different cultures and countries. His concern is to first understand what the visitor is interested in so he can provide them with the best possible experience. 

On a trip with Patrick and JADORE SAFARIS there is a smile, lots of knowledge, passion and a commitment to provide the best possible, but still safe experiences possible.


Raphael Oyoo

Turn it or twist it, but it is always the driver/guide conducting the safari that makes or breaks the safari.

Raphael is not just someone doing his job; he, like the rest of the team breathes JADORE SAFARIS in and out.
At an early age, this Kenyan decided he wanted to get involved in guiding visitors to see and learn about this amazing northern circuit of The Rift Valley in Tanzania and Kenya.

With his knowledge of French and Italian, he works as a freelancer for several companies that provided excellent services.
His passion and knowledge of all aspects of the region’s nature, landscape and culture are immediately evident when you set out with him.


Katja de Feu

Katja, co-founder of JADORE SAFARIS, has developed a passion for tourism with more than 5 years of experience organizing safaris in East Africa. Together with local partners, the company has grown into a unique initiative focused on exclusive private safaris away from mass tourism.

An African safari is always an adventure. But to embark on your adventure means that even during the planning phase, you need to get in touch with someone who provides independent and honest advice.

It is rare for someone to return home disappointed about their safari, but they may not be aware of what they did not see and how much better it could have been.

Katja wants to make sure her clients are aware of all options for their African adventure … regardless of how they define that adventure. JADORE SAFARIS clients become her good friends, many of whom return to Tanzania or Kenya to travel with us again.

In addition to the personal welcome, it is also Katja who, behind the scenes as financial director, ensures that everything once you are here can also run smoothly.


Koen de Meyer

Koen, co-founder of JADORE SAFARIS, has developed a passion for tourism with more than 5 years of experience organizing safaris in East Africa. Together with local partners, the company has grown into a unique initiative focused on exclusive private safaris away from mass tourism.

Koen’s mission goes beyond words; he and his team strive for sustainable tourism and invite travelers to discover the beauty of Africa with a personal touch, knowing that each trip has a positive impact on local communities and nature.

At Jadore Safaris, each discovery trip is crafted with fun and love for East Africa, promising unforgettable experiences for life.